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Walberg, Inc.

Contact: Bud & Jaimie Walberg
Physical 6041 Highway 99 W Corning CA 96021 Mailing 6041 Highway 99 W Corning CA 96021 Work Phone: (530) 824-0773 Work Fax: (530) 824-5887 Website:
Speciality: Asbestos Abatement (C-22,ASB) (DOSH Registered), Construction Site Cleanup (A,B,D-63), Demolition (C-21), Excavating & Grading Contractors (A,C-12), General Engineering Contractors (A), Hazardous Waste Clean-up (HAZ), House Moving & Structural Relocation (C-21,C-47), Land Clearing (Firebreaks/Defensible Space, Logging, etc.) (A,C-12,C-27,D-49), Septic Systems Installation (A,C-42), Storm Drain &/or Culvert Construction (A,C-42), Tank Removal - Fuel/Storage (A,D-40), Underground - Pipelines (A,C-34), Underground - Trenching (A,C-12,D-56), Underground - Utilities (A,C-10,D-56)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 898860
Work Phone: 530-786-0966
Speciality: Plumbing Contractors (C-36), Well Drilling - Water (A,C-57)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 947596
Physical 1758 Oakley Lane Wheatland CA 95692 Mailing 1758 Oakley Lane Wheatland CA 95692 Work Phone: (530) 633-4072 Work Fax: (530) 633-4007
Speciality: General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B), General Building Contractors - New Residential (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Renovation (Non-Structural) (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Repairs/Small-Scale Projects (B), General Engineering Contractors (A), Prefabricated Building Construction (non-Metal) (A,B,C-47)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 369747
Physical 121 Yellowstone Drive Chico CA 95973 Mailing 121 Yellowstone Drive Chico CA 95973 Work Phone: (530) 891-3353 Work Fax: (530) 891-4649
Speciality: Design & Build Services, General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B), General Building Contractors - New Residential (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Renovation (Non-Structural) (B)

Refer for Residential Work: No
CSL #: 1015814
Physical 4714 Pacific Heights Road Oroville CA 95966 Mailing 4714 Pacific Heights Road Oroville CA 95966 Work Phone: (530) 534-7616 Website:
Speciality: Concrete Aggregate & Ready Mix - Supply Only, Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. - Supply Only

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
Physical 11276 Midway Avenue Chico CA 95928 Mailing 11276 Midway Avenue Chico CA 95928 Work Phone: (530) 895-0216 Work Fax: (530) 895-1613 Website:
Speciality: Storm Drain &/or Culvert Construction (A,C-42), Underground - Pipelines (A,C-34), Underground - Trenching (A,C-12,D-56), Underground - Utilities (A,C-10,D-56)

Refer for Residential Work: No
CSL #: 174968
Physical 1468 Sky Harbor Suite A Olivehurst Ca 95961 Work Phone: (530) 923-2335
Speciality: Carpentry - Finish (B,C-6), General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B), General Building Contractors - New Residential (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Renovation (Non-Structural) (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Repairs/Small-Scale Projects (B)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 991099
Physical 20675 SW 105th Avenue Tualatin OR 97062 Mailing PO Box 130 Tualatin OR 97062 Work Phone: (503) 692-6900 Work Fax: (503) 692-6434 Website:
Speciality: Building Materials/Fixtures/Supplies (Suppliers Only), Floor Joists/Trusses - Supply Only, Roof Trusses Manufacturing/Supply

Refer for Residential Work: No
Physical 1282 Hassett Ave Suite 1 Sutter Yuba City Ca 95991 Work Phone: (530) 674-2693
Speciality: Asbestos Abatement (C-22,ASB) (DOSH Registered), General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B), Lead Abatement (Certified)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 947957
Physical 747 Lee Road Quincy CA 95971 Mailing PO Box 3908 Quincy CA 95971 Work Phone: (530) 283-2871 Work Fax: (530) 283-2879 Website:
Speciality: Excavating & Grading Contractors (A,C-12), General Engineering Contractors (A), Hauling/Trucking, Land Clearing (Firebreaks/Defensible Space, Logging, etc.) (A,C-12,C-27,D-49), Paving Contractors - Asphalt &/or Concrete (A,C-12), Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. - Supply Only, Septic &/or Industrial Waste Tanks Supply &/or Installation, Septic Systems Installation (A,C-42), Storm Drain &/or Culvert Construction (A,C-42), Underground - Pipelines (A,C-34), Underground - Trenching (A,C-12,D-56), Underground - Utilities (A,C-10,D-56), Water Truck Service (w/Operator)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 760263

WMJ Trucking LLC

Contact: Wesley Johnson
Cell Phone: (530) 228-7874
Speciality: Hauling/Trucking

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
Physical 2331 Collins Avenue Stonyford CA 95979 Mailing PO Box 28 Stonyford CA 95979 Work Phone: (530) 218-1687 Work Fax: (530) 963-3051
Speciality: Construction Site Cleanup (A,B,D-63), Excavating & Grading Contractors (A,C-12), Paving Contractors - Asphalt &/or Concrete (A,C-12), Propane Tank Installation &/or Gas Service (A,C-36), Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. - Supply Only, Seal Coating (A,C-12,C-32), Septic Systems Installation (A,C-42), Storm Drain &/or Culvert Construction (A,C-42), Tank Removal - Fuel/Storage (A,D-40), Tree Service/Removal (A,C-27,D-49), Underground - Pipelines (A,C-34), Underground - Trenching (A,C-12,D-56), Underground - Utilities (A,C-10,D-56)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 863102
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