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Bidwell Insurance

Contact: Krista Grove
Physical 1270 E. 9th Street Chico CA 95973 Mailing 1270 E. 9th Street Chico CA 95973 Work Phone: (530) 894-1096 Work Fax: (530) 894-1990 Website:
Speciality: Insurance &/or Bonding

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
Physical 15 Commerce Court, Suite 150 Chico CA 95928 Mailing 15 Commerce Court, Suite 150 Chico CA 95928 Work Phone: (530) 343-2293 Work Fax: (530) 345-6106 Website:
Speciality: Carpentry - Finish (B,C-6), Construction Management Services, Construction Site Cleanup (A,B,D-63), Design & Build Services, Door Hardware Supply &/or Installation, Framing (Wood/Metal)/Rough Carpentry (B,C-5), General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B), Metal Building Construction/Installation (A,B,C-51), Prefabricated Building Construction (non-Metal) (A,B,C-47), Siding Contractors (B,C-5,C-39,C-43,D-41)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 671927
Work Phone: (530) 864-5427
Speciality: Carpentry - Finish (B,C-6), Construction Management Services, Decks & Gazebos Installation (B,C-5), Door Installation - Wood (B,C-6,C-28,D-28), Framing (Wood/Metal)/Rough Carpentry (B,C-5), General Building Contractors - Commercial & Industrial (B), General Building Contractors - New Residential (B), General Building Contrs. - Remodel/Addition/Accessory Dwelling (ADU) (Structural) (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Renovation (Non-Structural) (B), Swimming Pool Contractors (C-53)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 901047

BLM Holdings Inc

Contact: Dave Nelson
Physical 3080 Thorntree Dr #75 Chico Ca 95973 Work Phone: 530-354-0207
Speciality: Electrical Contractors (C-10)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 927742

Blue Haven Pools

Contact: Scott Finwall
Physical 3330-B Highway 32, Ste B Chico CA 95973 Mailing 3330-B Highway 32, Ste B Chico CA 95973 Work Phone: (530) 899-8445 Work Fax: (530) 342-5724 Website:
Speciality: Swimming Pool Contractors (C-53)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 934975
Physical Durham CA 95938 Mailing PO Box 429 Durham CA 95938 Work Phone: (530) 891-5055 Work Fax: (530) 894-1901
Speciality: Concrete Specialty Services (C-8,D-06)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 689067

Bobcat of Chico

Contact: Alex DuBose
Physical 1343 W. 8th Avenue Chico CA 95926 Mailing 1343 W. 8th Avenue Chico CA 95926 Work Phone: (530) 342-0118 Work Fax: (530) 342-8043 Website:
Speciality: Equipment Rental &/or Sales, Tool Sales &/or Repair

Refer for Residential Work: No
Physical 25 Jan Court Suite 120 Chico Ca 95928 Home Phone: (530) 891-7900
Speciality: Insurance &/or Bonding

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
Work Phone: (530) 403-0112
Speciality: Construction Site Cleanup (A,B,D-63), Excavating & Grading Contractors (A,C-12), General Engineering Contractors (A), Land Clearing (Firebreaks/Defensible Space, Logging, etc.) (A,C-12,C-27,D-49), Paving Contractors - Asphalt &/or Concrete (A,C-12), Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. - Supply Only

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 1067226
Physical 1200 E. Kentucky Avenue Woodland CA 95776 Mailing 1200 E. Kentucky Avenue Woodland CA 95776 Work Phone: (530) 666-5635 Work Fax: (530) 666-5723 Website:
Speciality: General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B)

Refer for Residential Work: No
CSL #: 602146
Physical 9156 Holland Avenue Durham CA 95938 Mailing 9156 Holland Avenue Durham CA 95938 Work Phone: (530) 228-2660 Website:
Speciality: Excavating & Grading Contractors (A,C-12), General Engineering Contractors (A), Land Clearing (Firebreaks/Defensible Space, Logging, etc.) (A,C-12,C-27,D-49), Paving Contractors - Asphalt &/or Concrete (A,C-12), Septic Systems Installation (A,C-42), Storm Drain &/or Culvert Construction (A,C-42), Underground - Trenching (A,C-12,D-56)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 1056505
Physical 3536 Butte Campus Drive Oroville CA 95965 Mailing 3536 Butte Campus Drive Oroville CA 95965 Work Phone: (530) 895-2496 Work Fax: (530) 895-2443 Website:
Speciality: Training Services/Trade Skills Education

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
Physical 8 Seville Court, Suite 100 Chico CA 95928 Mailing 8 Seville Court, Suite 100 Chico CA 95928 Work Phone: (530) 809-1779 Website:
Speciality: Construction Management Services, Construction Site Cleanup (A,B,D-63), Design & Build Services, General Building Contractors - New Commercial & Industrial (B), General Building Contractors - New Residential (B), General Building Contrs. - Residential Renovation (Non-Structural) (B), LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Certified, Metal Building Construction/Installation (A,B,C-51), Tilt-up Contractors (A,B)

Refer for Residential Work: No
CSL #: 1003510
Physical 2491 Carmichael Drive Chico CA 95928 Mailing 2491 Carmichael Drive Suite 100 Chico CA 95928 Work Phone: (530) 879-7462 Website:
Speciality: Training Services/Trade Skills Education

Refer for Residential Work: Yes

Butte Roofing Co.

Contact: Mike Starnes
Physical 8 Seville Court, Suite 110 Chico CA 95928 Mailing 8 Seville Court, Suite 110 Chico CA 95928 Work Phone: (530) 342-6553 Website:
Speciality: Roof Decks Supply &/or Installation, Roofing - Metal (C-39,C-43,C-51), Roofing Contractors (C-39)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 567600

Butte Sand & Gravel

Contact: Joe Morehead / Millie Lyon
Physical 10373 South Butte Road Sutter CA 95982 Mailing PO Box 749 Sutter CA 95982 Work Phone: (530) 696-2486 Work Fax: (530) 696-0211 Website:
Speciality: Hauling/Trucking, Rock, Sand, Gravel, etc. - Supply Only

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 690283
Physical 705 Grand Avenue Oroville CA 95965 Work Phone: (530) 533-8310 Website:
Speciality: Masonry Contractors (C-29)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 803798
Physical 792 Durham Dayton Hwy Durham Ca 95938 Mailing PO Box 42 Durham CA 95938 Work Phone: (530) 828-5595 Website:
Speciality: Aluminum Fabrication &/or Installation

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
Physical 1297 Market Street, Yuba City Union City CA 94587 Mailing 3000 Tara Court Union City CA 94587 Work Phone: (530) 755-4580 Work Fax: (530) 755-1824 Website:
Speciality: Concrete Specialty Services (C-8,D-06)

Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 320029

Caldwell Enterprise, Inc.

Contact: David Cook / Brandon Caldwell
Physical 201 Washington Street Gridley CA 95948 Mailing 201 Washington Street Gridley CA 95948 Work Phone: (530) 846-4142 Work Fax: (530) 846-5968 Website:
Speciality: Cabinetry Contractors (C-6)

Refer for Residential Work: No
CSL #: 478164
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