Welcome to VCE!
We are a Northern California Builders Exchange; a trade association of contractors, materials suppliers and industry professionals.
We're the best resource for construction information: codes, training, regulations, jobs out to bid or connecting with other local contractors. Serving the Counties of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Plumas, Sutter and Yuba since 1952.
Welcome to the Valley Contractors Exchange (VCE) Website

Always use a licensed contractor; beware of deals too good to be true
We can help you find a contractor - Here are 3 ways we can help:
- Call the VCE and we'll get you what you need! Call Mon-Fri, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, 530-343-1981
- Use our Find a Contractor online membership directory.
- Let us advertise your job for free - and have the contractors call YOU! Call us for information.
Looking For A Contractor or Supplier?

VCE is your tool to save time and money
Become a member and get these useful tools:
- Current info on construction codes, regulations, safety and jobs.
- Connection with other contractors.
- Someone you can call with your questions.
Membership is a tool of the trade. Add VCE to your toolbox.