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  • Phone:  (530) 343-1981  Mon-Thur, 8am-5pm / Fri 8am-3pm
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Remember – Use only contractors licensed to do the work you require.  Using unlicensed contractors can leave you holding the bag.  Check the license at the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) website:  Match the name, check for violations and look for workers’ compensation coverage.

Please let our members know that you heard about them through Valley Contractors Exchange.

MT Hall & Associates, Inc.

Contact: Tom Hall
Physical 609 Entler Avenue, Suite 4, Chico CA 95965 Mailing 4328 Woodrose Drive Oroville CA 95965 Work Phone: (530) 893-2181
Refer for Residential Work: Yes

Over 30 years of combined experience in geotechnical, quality assurance and inspection services.
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