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  • Phone:  (530) 343-1981  Mon-Thur, 8am-5pm / Fri 8am-3pm
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Remember – Use only contractors licensed to do the work you require.  Using unlicensed contractors can leave you holding the bag.  Check the license at the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) website:  Match the name, check for violations and look for workers’ compensation coverage.

Please let our members know that you heard about them through Valley Contractors Exchange.

Experts In Your Home

Contact: Justin Larios
Physical 1750 Humboldt Road Chico CA 95928 Mailing 1750 Humboldt Road Chico CA 95928 Work Phone: (530) 924-5564 Work Fax: (530) 894-6984 Website:
Refer for Residential Work: Yes
CSL #: 143778

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